NET/WORK is a technology jobs fair showcasing vibrant companies seeking talent and talented people seeking work. Nothing stiff or stuffy about it. The companies at NET/WORK are psyched to show off their company culture—and get to know you outside of your resume.
- Looking for full-time work with company that fits your skills & personality
- Seeking opportunities in Dev, Design, Engineering, UX, Programming, etc
- Are a recent grad looking for an apprenticeship
- Interested in freelance gigs
- Want to learn skills from seasoned developers and engineers
- Currently employed, but want to feel out future opportunities
- Looking to network
Great technologists have options when it comes to finding a job. The employers at NET/WORK are looking to learn more than just what's on your resume and show off their own company culture. You'll still need chops to land your dream job, but at NET/WORK, your personality & "fit" carry real weight.
We'll also set you up with your best employer match. RSVP to NET/WORK and we'll send you a personality test that will pair you with an organization whose culture best suits your personality. There's no blind dates in this matchmaking scenario.
Suit & tie are optional; we'll have free coffee and after-party beer and snacks (6pm-7pm). Oh yeah, there's also going to be 12+ local and regional tech companies ready to hire. Matchmaking, career counseling & a slew of programming that will help you get a corner office.
See the full list of hiring companies here.
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM | ALL AFTERNOON
Chat with hiring orgs and find your next gig
Free headshots courtesy of Tenable Network Security
4:15 PM to 4:45 PM | DEV TALK
Mike Subelsky, co-founder and CEO of Staq: "How to Write Clean, Concise, and Confident Ruby Code"
5:00 PM to 5:30 PM | DEV TALK
Brian Kemper, software engineer at Staq: "How and Why To Make Your Own Web GUI Toolkit"
Mike Brenner, co-founder and CEO of Betamore: “Intro to Baltimore Tech Scene” to lead into Happy Hour
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM | HAPPY HOUR
Grab a free beer, slice of pizza and have a casual conversation
7:00 PM | Thanks for coming!
NET/WORK is presented by Baltimore in partnership with ETC. Collegetown Baltimore is our media sponsor.