Baltimore's second annual Women In/Tech mini-conference will bring together various female leaders and community members who have interest in becoming active in technology fields.
The event will feature a keynote address, panel discussions, lightning presentations, workshops to learn basic and advanced technical skills, and many opportunities to meet and share.
Join us for an inspiring afternoon.
Access Track Day Presented By: The Abell Foundation
- 12:30 PM - Doors Open. Registration & Networking
- 1:00 PM - Welcoming and a Keynote from Ellen Miller of the Sunlight Foundation
- 1:30 PM - Split Into Tracks
- 1:40 PM - First Concurrent Sessions (pick 1 track to attend)
Start It - Early Stage: What are the first challenges and steps forward in starting a venture?
Lead It - Growing the Pipeline: How are we bringing more gender balance in the technical fields?
Make It - Girl Develop It: Tech Resume Writing workshop - 2:50 PM - Time to Stretch!
- 3:00 PM - Second Concurrent Sessions (pick 1 track to attend)
Start It - Leaders and Scaling: What different challenges come once a team is built and an organization needs to grow?
Lead It - Seat at the Table: How are more women taking executive leadership roles?
Make It - Girl Develop It: Hands-on beginner CSS workshop taught by designer/CSS gurus, Meredith Burke - 4:15 PM - Video presentation and small group discussion of MAKERS: Women Who Make America. Moderated by Brit Keller, Vice President of AOL ad ops/ AOL Platforms.
- 5:00 PM - Closing Remarks, Thanks for Coming!
- 5:30-7:30 PM - Join us for drinks and networking at our Diversity Happy Hour
View the latest individual event details here.